
Thank you for your interest in submitting your work to The Bindery. Although we will consider every book project submitted, we do not accept queries by phone, fax, mail, or in-person delivery.

To query The Bindery about literary representation, email your query to Please include the following in the body of your email: a clear summary of your book concept, an author biography, the table of contents (for nonfiction), at least two sample chapters, plus a one-page synopsis for fiction, relevant contact information, and any publishing history. Include the word “QUERY” in the email subject line and if you’ve completed a book proposal, please attach that document to your email. You may address your query to one agent or to The Bindery as a whole.

Before sending, you can find out what each agent is seeking on our ABOUT page.

While we represent a wide range of nonfiction and fiction projects, we currently do not represent screenplays, plays, or illustrators. And we represent only a very select list of children’s books, poetry, and academic books at this time.

We will read every query to determine whether it’s a fit for our agency. However, due to the volume of email queries we receive, we have to be incredibly selective, and as a result, we won’t reply to every submission. If one of our agents would like to read more of your manuscript or discuss your project with you, they will reach out to you directly. If you haven’t heard from any member of our team in 10-12 weeks, please consider that a “pass.”

For more information on creating a book proposal for your book, check out the article "The Anatomy of a Compelling Book Proposal," which also details the most critical elements to include.

Contact Us

For any other questions or requests, please use the contact form to the right.